Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sun Feb 2024
- Time: 13:00
Digital symposium: What is Love?
Love is not just an emotion, but a universal force that unites our soul with the Divine.
Signing up:
Here you can sign up for the meeting. You will then receive a link to the lecture at your e-mail address.
About the webinar:
Love is one of the most used words in the world. Maybe every human being has his/her own definition of love. But what do we as rosicrucians mean when we talk about love? And what does the universal doctrine tell us about love?
We look forward to seeing you!
If you sign up then you will receive a reminder with the link before the meeting.
Greenland 14:00 (GMT-3)
Iceland, Faroe Islands 18:00 (GMT)
Denmark, Norway, Sweden 19:00 (CET/ GMT +1)
Finland 20:00 (GMT+2)
When and how:
We hope to see you on Zoom
(https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87338433613) Use the viewer at the bottom of this page to watch the webinar when you don’t have zoom.
Do you have internet trouble? You can also use your phone! Call your local number followed by: # and enter meeting ID 87338433613#
Denmark +45 32 70 12 06
Finland +358 3 4109 2129
Norway +47 2400 4735
Sweden +46 8 4468 2488
Find other local numbers here
You can see here directly on this page without downloading Zoom.We are online 10 minutes before the lecture begins.