Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sun Apr 2024
- Time: 13:00 - 14:30
Why do we live?
Our webinar on April 14 at 7 p.m. starts with that one big question, “Why do we live?”
We run around this planet, filling our lives and our heads with all kinds of things. It almost comes by itself, and we act as if it’s all crucial. But if we are honest with the all-important question (why do I live??), human beings are left without an answer. And because this feels uncomfortable, he often prefers to push this question away. Or he glues an answer to it. Ready, “solved”.
While “in not finding an answer”, possibly the answer is hidden, with all its consequences for a total inner change, to become completely one with this Answer.
This probably sounds a bit cryptic now, but in a 30-minute introduction, we hope to further explain this perspective, examine the fulfilment that can arise from it, and discuss the path to this goal. After our opening, there will be time to exchange thoughts on the topic together.
We welcome you.