“It is Love that heals the soul—the Sophia which descends from above. The path of the philosopher makes this possible.”
How much wisdom is expressed in these words by Pythagoras.
The higher Wisdom is not some knowledge that can be grasped with the mind. It is an intense Power that goes out to every person who loves and yearns for true wisdom. As soon as we open our being to it, a pathway is created within us that connects us to the Sophia. Then, this path of the love for wisdom, the path of the true philosophers, becomes accessible to us again.
This path does not concern theories and rational understanding, although a certain level of understanding is required. The most important aspect is what we do with it – to what extent the Sophia, the true wisdom, may be realized through us. In the light of this true wisdom, we may consider our own convictions, examine our emotions, and find calmness and healing for our soul.
The goal is not to become a better human being, but a true Soul being. It is to open up to the Wisdom that can then flourish. The soul will then connect with the power behind this Wisdom, for this Wisdom originates in the Spirit, in the universal Seven-Spirit.
Long before our era, human beings learned to know and evaluate themselves and their relationship to the many aspects of creation through the legends about the adventures of gods and heroes.
In Greek mythology, for example, we find countless legends about how men desired with all their hearts to find true wisdom, but they nevertheless allowed themselves to be led astray again and again by following their own interests. And so, the hero, who began his quest full of enthusiasm, became trapped in a world of illusion and no longer lived in close connection with the gods.
The god-man, Prometheus, was put in chains. The legend tells how he was buried under the rubble of the world’s debris.
Such an existence ‘under the debris of the world’ perhaps comes close to our own experience in these times. Are we not also buried under the debris of the world, struggling to maintain a certain order in our state of mind, in our thinking, in our emotions?
When finding ourselves in that situation of helplessness, our soul longs for the light but cannot find it at first.
We create a certain morality and try to live according to it. We develop philosophies that are supposed to give us something to hold on to, so we can live according to our self-created morality. It is a philosophy to support and justify our own beliefs – the philosophy of self-will.
Thus, we struggle for stability in an ever-changing world. We get so immersed in it, that we lose the love for true wisdom and become trapped in the collective ideas of the world.
We bury ourselves under our own convictions and our personal vision of things. Yes, Prometheus is indeed buried under the debris of the world.
And yet, even though we are so deeply immersed in our journey through this world, there still exists a connection with Wisdom itself. This connection resides in our heart and whoever experiences this deprivation under the debris of the world always carries the liberating key in the core of her or his being.
As soon as we open our being to it, a pathway is created within us that connects us to the Sophia. The soul will then connect with the power behind this Wisdom. For this Wisdom has its origin in the Spirit.
The most profound secrets of the world and of the human being are hidden in the heart, in silence… and remain there long enough until each one of us decides to undertake a deep inner search to discover these mysteries.
Indeed, a human being can free themselves from the compelling influence exerted upon them by the endless wave of mental words. The one who reaches the stillness of the heart assimilates a very particular teaching, of an unusual nature, which opens him or her to a new understanding of what it means to be human.
In the Egyptian teachings, Hermes is a seeker. He seeks that truth, that unique wisdom. But before he can receive it, he must have regained the silence of the soul; that is, he must have prepared himself to understand, to hear and to receive inwardly.
That is why the voice of silence within him or referred to as Pymander, begins his teachings with these words:
“And now, keep silence, O Hermes Trismegistus, and remember well what I pass on to you.”
When the human being comes to open his heart in silence, he rediscovers within himself the long-hidden secret of true life. These words reveal to us a fragment of the secret of true life. It is about the rediscovery of the soul, the soul capable of hearing the Voice of Silence.
This divine Soul is a hidden dimension that lies in ourselves. It corresponds to a spiritual level that the human being once possessed, in which he participated fully, and which he must rediscover. This is the true meaning of his life, and it is also his mission!
This original, pure soul is always present in the human being as a higher spiritual principle. However, it is latent in him, withdrawn, hidden, turned imperceptible. Since the human being lives bound to his physical senses, he is exclusively oriented by them towards the outer world.
However, even through our ceaseless outwardly oriented, noisy, tense, troubled world, there radiates continuously a spiritual, renewing, higher energy, which comes from the original Being.
It is the Light, the vibration, the sound born of eternal silence.
That sound is the primordial sound that generates light and life; it sends its vibrations, its call to the world in search of a resonance within the sleeping human soul. This spiritual force of the cosmos seeks contact with the spiritual core of the human being. Only when silence penetrates the human heart can it reach the divine core, can a response be brought from the divine core, which corresponds to the heart.
We are disciples of the Light by means of the power of the Light, which is always in our midst. When we consciously receive and transmit this Light to all humanity, the fate of the world can be turned around, opening the liberating path for all.
The living Water will flow from the eternal Nature and heal everyone who is open to it. The Fire will purify humanity, releasing it from all illusion. The Bread and the Wine of the Spirit will be given to all who have purified their souls, enabling them to walk the liberating path that leads to Unity with the One.